Collagen Peptides Benefits For Athletes

- Supports Joint Health
- Increases Lean Body Mass
- Improves Heart Health
- Supports Gut Health
Collagen peptides are naturally high in glycine and proline - amino acids that are crucial to new collagen production and joint support.
Research shows that supplementing with collagen peptides increases your body's supply of amino acids, which then increases the amount of new collagen that your body can produce.
In a 24 week clinical trial focused on the effects of collagen hydrolysate supplements in athletes with activity related joint pain, it was found that collagen had a positive effect on joint pain, mobility, and deterioration.
Of the 147 participants, athletes who were given 10g of collagen hydrolysates showed decreased joint pain, inflammation, and deterioration while showing improvements in joint strength and mobility.
Summary: Supplementing with collagen peptides improves athletic performance by strengthening and supporting joint functions.
Collagen peptides have been shown to increase lean muscle mass and decrease fat when combined with resistance training.
In a 12 week study on twenty-five young recreationally active men, it was shown that collagen supplementation coupled with resistance training showed increased lean body mass and decreased fat.
The study concluded that the men who were given collagen prior to their resistance training had significantly higher lean body mass at the end of the study when compared to the men who received a placebo.
When compared to whey, collagen peptides were found superior in maintaining nitrogen balance which preserves lean body mass, especially for those who follow a low protein diet.
In addition, collagen peptides contain high amounts of arginine and glycine that play a critical role in the production of creatine which has been shown to improve exercise performance, increase lean body mass, and decrease body fat.
Summary: Supplementing with collagen peptides increases lean body mass, preserves lean body mass by maintaining nitrogen balance, and decreases fat.
Collagen, specifically Type III collagen, promotes heart health and helps to reduce the risk of heart-related conditions.
In a study focused on collagen supplementation in healthy adults, it was found that supplementing with 16grams of collagen per day for six months resulted in improved artery structure.
Participants that were given collagen showed reduced markers of atherosclerosis, build up in the artery walls, which resulted in improved blood flow.
Summary: Supplementing with collagen peptides improves heart health and increases blood flow.
High in amino acids beneficial to gut health, collagen supports healthy gut flora and improves gut integrity.
Concentrated amounts of glycine and proline have been shown to protect the stomach lining from injury and promote healing of stomach ulcers caused by stress.
Have you heard of using glutamine for gut inflammation?
It just so happens that Collagen is also high in this key amino acid.
Studies have found that individuals with digestive issues have lower collagen levels and have concluded that there is an association between inflammatory bowel disease and decreased serum collagen levels.
Summary: Collagen contains key amino acids that are needed to support a healthy gut and digestive system.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body that accounts for almost one-third of the proteins found in your muscles, bones, tendons, and skin.
Responsible for rebuilding connective tissues and giving structure to our bones, ligaments, and tendons, collagen is often referred too as the “glue” in our bodies.
As we begin to age our body’s ability to produce collagen naturally slows and by the time we hit 25, our bodies become less efficient in creating collagen altogether.
The degenerative process is accelerated in athletes due to the physical constraints that are put on the joints during training and high intensity exercise.
For these reasons, more and more athletes are turning towards collagen and reaping the benefits to improve their athletic performance and training.
There are many types of collagen, however the most common forms you’ll find in supplements are types I, II, and III.
TYPE I: The most prevalent type of collagen in your body, type I collagen accounts for up to 80-90% of the collagen found in your bones, tendons, connective tissues, skin, and cartilage.
TYPE II: Less prevalent in the body, type II collagen is a main component of your body’s cartilage and skeletal system.
TYPE III: Type III collagen accounts for up to 20% of all collagen found in the body and is crucial in supporting muscles and organs.
Athletes should be supplementing with collagen to protect their joints, support their lean body mass, and improve heart and gut health.
The body takes a beating after training, especially for athletes training and competing at high levels.
ATH collagen was designed with athletes in mind to rebuild and repair connective tissues and keep joints oiled and strong to keep training and keep improving.
Unflavored and easily dissolvable, collagen can be added to protein shakes, smoothies, teas, baked goods, and so much more.